First meeting of the Implementation Committee on the National Protected Areas Roadmap (NPA Roadmap) to outline the implementation process and establish a shared understanding.
Following the endorsement of the Roadmap for National Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Financing (NPA Roadmap) on August 8, 2024, the NPA Roadmap Implementation Committee held its kick-off meeting on February 18–19 in Luang Namtha province, home to the ASEAN Heritage’s Nam Ha NPA. Chaired by Mr. Kikeo Singnavong, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Forestry and lead authority of the NPA Roadmap, the meeting brought together more than 70 key stakeholders, including protected area managers from all Laos’ 26 NPAs and conservation partners. Also in attendance were Ms. Cécile Leroy, representing the EU Delegation to Lao PDR to Lao PDR—one of the financiers of the roadmap’s development—and Ms. Manoly Sisavanh, Deputy Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which provides technical assistance under the ‘Ecosystem Conservation through Integrated Landscape Management in Lao PDR’ (ECILL) project’.

The NPA Roadmap is structured as a comprehensive three-year program, requiring US$3.5 million for collective implementation. It outlines the transition process into a new policy environment aimed at strengthening Laos’ NPA system to address the following priority policy goals:
(1) Diversifying and empowering actors to protect and develop Laos’ forests. This includes supporting ‘Forest Development Villages’ with improved clarity about zones and land tenure.
(2) Ensuring biodiversity no-net-loss when using forests such as applying concrete methods (i.e. Mitigation Hierarchy) to work with forest users to ensure their activities cause no net-loss of biodiversity and ecosystem value.
(3) Enabling conservation-compatible businesses and improving compliance. This aims at proactively improving the investment environment for enterprises that support forest activities, and to ensure businesses are compliant with regulations and agreed plans effectively.
(4) Improving sustainable financing for National Protected Areas. This entails pursuing multiple complementary strategies to increase access and stability to funds and financing mechanisms.
The kick-off meeting of the NPA Roadmap Implementation Committee aims to establish a shared understanding among the Board, Advisors, Secretariat members, as well as potential Implementing Partners.
As the Chair, Mr. Kikeo Singnavong, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Forestry opened with “Today’s meeting is very important for the various parties that will jointly implement this plan to discuss and understand what the four outcomes are and how each party will participate. This is key to ensure that the implementation of this management plan is highly efficient and effective and to aim for a systematic, strong, and unified management, conservation, development and implementation, including active cooperation from all relevant parties and local communities.”
During the meeting, the Protected Areas Decree (2023) and NPA Roadmap were presented, with a focus on the roadmap’s implementation plan to ensure a clear understanding among committee members, practitioners and stakeholders. Additionally, the NPA Roadmap Annual Workplan and Budget for 2025 were discussed in detail.
The second day centered on the application of the Mitigation Hierarchy, identifying investment projects impacting NPAs or businesses operating within NPAs.
Cecile Leroy, of the EU Delegation to Lao PDR provided opening remarks congratulating this achievement, “demonstrating its commitment to protect its natural assets, the EU would like to commend the government's move to protect the natural heritage with adopting bold new legislation during the few last years, especially with the adoption of the National Protected Area Decree back in June 2023, and subsequently by developing the roadmap for its implementation and financing that was adopted in August 2024, and more recently, in December, a committee was established to overview the implementation of the roadmap. So I'm very happy to see all of you this morning representing the local national protected area because your work in implementing this roadmap is really at the core of the success of Laos. Today is a great opportunity for taking stock of the recent policy development and for having a meaningful exchange on how to put this in motion.”
The NPA Roadmap will enhance the Government of Lao PDR’s ownership in implementing its policies and vision in collaboration with partners and stakeholders. It serves as a strategic guide for the Protected Areas community to operationalize the PA policy agenda. Additionally, the roadmap provides a framework to align partner and stakeholder activities, ensuring consistency and synergy with national policy goals. The Government of Lao PDR therefore urges all partners and stakeholders to align their initiatives with the roadmap’s implementation.
The Roadmap was developed with the technical support of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Lao PDR Program and financially supported by the European Union (EU) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) under the ‘Ecosystem Conservation through Integrated Landscape management in Lao PDR’ (ECILL) project.