Following the adoption of the new Decree on Protected Areas (PA) in June 2023 by the Government of Lao PDR, the Roadmap for National Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Financing has been endorsed by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Assoc. Prof. Linkham Douangsavanh on August 8th 2024.
The Roadmap serves as the reference guide for all PA stakeholders including the Lao Government, development partners, private sector, NGOs/CSOs, academia and local communities who will play a crucial role in the implementation of the Decree.
Lao PDR is covered by 26 National Protected Areas (NPAs), among these NPAs, six of them were declared ‘National Parks’, a category of higher protection such as the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Park. These NPAs are home to a rich biodiversity and several endemic and threatened species.
The country’s biodiversity is currently under threat due to climate change, illegal wildlife trade, unsustainable hunting and poaching coupled with high rates of deforestation causing fragmentation and loss of habitats.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somvang Phimmavong Director General of Department of Forestry said “The Roadmap is designed as a comprehensive three-year program that maps how the transition process into the new policy environment will be orchestrated for NPAs. The Roadmap architecture is defined by a ‘results framework’ with an objective, a series of intended outcomes, activities, and an estimated budget.” The NPA Roadmap was developed to respond to the following priority policy goals, the first of which is diversifying and empowering actors to protect and develop our forests. This includes supporting ‘Forest Development Villages’ with improved clarity about zones and land tenure.
The second proprity is to ensure biodiversity no- net-loss when using forests, such as applying concrete methods for forest users to ensure their activities cause no net-loss of biodiversity and ecosystem value.
The third priority is to enable conservation-compatible businesses and improving compliance. This aims at proactively improving the investment environment for enterprises that support forest activities, and to effectively ensure businesses are compliant with regulations and agreed plans.
The fourth goal is to improve sustainable financing for National Protected Areas. This entails pursuing multiple complementary strategies to increase access and stability to funds and financing mechanisms.
EU Ambassador Ina Marčiulionytė commented: “The EU is proud to have supported the development of this roadmap. We believe that it will help identify stable sources of funding to enable a long-lasting protection scheme of the natural assets of Laos. This is a meaningful deliverable in the context of the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework”.
The Roadmap will strengthen the Government of Lao PDR in exercising its ownership and pursuit of its policies and vision to its partners and stakeholders. The Roadmap will be a guiding map for the Department of Forestry and the PA Division to keep track of the policy agenda. It will be a tool to help align the partners and stakeholders’ activities for consistency and synergy with policy goals. Therefore, the Government of Lao PDR urges all partners and stakeholders to use and anchor their activities to the Roadmap.
“WCS worked hand in hand with the Lao government, protected area practitioners and key stakeholders to develop this NPA Roadmap. We are very much looking forward to its implementation for better management and governance of the biodiversity-rich zones across Laos”, said Mrs. Manoly Sisavanh, Deputy Country Director of WCS Lao PDR.
The Roadmap was developed with the technical support of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Lao PDR Program and financially supported by the European Union (EU) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) under the ‘Ecosystem Conservation through Integrated Landscape management in Lao PDR’ (ECILL) project.